Friday, March 7, 2008

Good first week so far

I have had a good first week so far with the diet and exercise. I haven't really been craving anything too bad. If I want something sweet I have a 15 calorie Popsicle or yogurt. If I want something salty I have popcorn with a ton of hot sauce on it. So far, so good. I have been drinking a ton of water and I have lost the easy pounds that drop quick in the first week. My goal is to be under 250 by April 1st and I am at about 257 now. I hope that by running and doing the martial arts I can avoid plateaus. We have a Notice Board on our intranet at work that I believe every agency member looks at during the day at some point when it's slow. I put a notice on there that I wanted to know about any 5ks coming up for me and Zach and I have had an overwhelming response. I got no response when I tried to sell my $100 holster for next to nothing, but now I got SWAT guys e-mailing me and sergeants I have never heard of e-mailing me. There is one coming up on the 22nd at the beach park we go to in Naples. It is called the Beach Bum Run. It is beach running so it is hard, but you get a cool tiedie t-shirt. It is good motivation for me when I don't want to run in the morning especially that I now know so many agency members will be there. I gotta represent, yo.

I have ran about 8 miles this week and will do 3 more today. I have attended jiu jitsu class with Zach twice and tonight we are going to the Kali stick fighting class. It is funny to go with Zach because it drives him nuts for someone to touch him with wet hands, much less rolling around on the mats with jiu jitsu. The first class everyone was laughing because sweat was rolling off me and on this one move I ended up smearing my ankle and foot all over his face. It is alright though because he has kicked me in the nose and nuts enough times to make up for it. I am thankful that they hang close. I want to start the kick boxing next week, but my schedule really only allows me to make it once next week.

On an unrelated note my mothers grave bench has finally been installed. I look forward to visiting it the next time I am up there.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Your last post had me rolling in the aisle.

By the way, thanks for your kind words on my blog.

Do you ever read any of those other blogs to the left on my page? Some of them are good for a laugh every now and then.