Thursday, February 14, 2008

My stimulus check

I haven't posted in a while and decided that I would go on for a minute about my stimulus package check. First of all, stimulus package sounds like verbiage from a viagra ad campaign and that is probably where a lot of people's dough will go. I plan to use it to continue paying for last Christmas. I should be finished paying for last Christmas in time for next Christmas, but that is how it goes.

Everyone is well down here. Zach chipped one of his $5000 orthodontically straightened teeth the night of the super bowl at a friends birthday party while driving a four wheeler. I was upset. The endodontist(if it ends in -dontist it means you will have to pay them at least $300 just to find out how much your bill is going to be) said the braces probably saved the tooth. Good news for him since that means I will be making his next boat payment. Chloe has started calling me Dad. It makes her seem more grownup than Daddy used to. She is not a baby anymore and is more of a little girl.

Well, I have to go get ready so that I can take Zach to the orthodontist and he can extract his pound of flesh.

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