Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Today is my 8th wedding anniversary. I mentioned it to the guy sitting next to me in the class I am taking for work and he couldn't believe it because he was married on the same day and the same year. Unfortunately he is now divorced, but it is still a small world. I am big on setting goals right now because of this class and so I wrote down all my short term goals for 2008. They included the usual weight loss and I threw in I wanted to start my masters. I also plan to visit three colleges with Zach this summer because he will be starting high school in the fall and I want him to visualize the prize. I also plan to run in 5 5k races by the end of the year.

I haven't written down any long term goals on paper so I thought I would just do it here and now or make a list and post it. I think I will make a list so that it will be there everytime I log in to this site.

I cooked linguini with clam sauce for Nicole for our anniversary since it is one of her faves. We also worked out a way in the budget to allow her to do some shopping so she took off on her own this past weekend and did some damage. My present is not for public consumption as I don't know who all will end up reading this.

1 comment:

Greg said...

5 5Ks? Dang.

I've been getting in better shape, but I fell off the wagon after my anniversary trip.

I need to get started back....soon.