Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Been a while

I haven't posted in a while because we switched to a new computer and I haven't updated all my web stuff yet (fantasy baseball folks may have noticed). What happened was everything worked on the old computer, but it would not read new programs. I decided to "fix" it and $1000 later I have a new computer. It worked out because now I can finally play Oblivion.

Work has been good. I have been working a lot of overtime to pay for the Best Buy spree that went along with the new computer purchase. Nicole got a laptop out of the deal, Zach got a stereo and the kids play room got a new t.v. All Chloe got was a new alarm clock, but she wasn't complaining. I have continued running and weight watchers. I have lost about 45 lbs. and am starting to feel the pressure. The weight loss is noticeable at work and now there is increased pressure to keep it off. I need to lose about 35 more lbs. to hit my goal weight of 185.

Every time I start to plateau I have been going on what I call a plateau buster run. I have been doing a lot of reading about running and watching shows on human performance and these helped inspire the runs. Basically they all say that the body can take a lot more than you think. I watched a special on this guy who swam the English Channel and his body burned up 14 lbs of fat in the process. I also read in Men's Health about these tribes that hunt by focusing on one herd animal that is isolated and then they start running it down. Humans have a superior cooling system and can sustain a running pace for long distances. The herd animals can't and after 5-12 miles they fall over and everybody eats. For it to be a plateau buster I run for at least an hour. The last one I did I ran for an hour and a half. I mostly lose about 5 lbs. water weight as a result of this, but I have found that after a day or two of recovery I keep at least two of those lbs. off permanently. I have been good about not going crazy overeating anything. One day I screwed up and cooked chorizos on the grill. No one else would eat them and I ended up having two plus some steak. It turns out the chorizos were 12 points a piece. Yikes. It is not that bad though because in the past that would have been a normal serving for me. Last night I had pinto beans cooked with pork. Even though I was stuffed when I was done the whole thing was only about 15 pts. and that's alot of beans.

Chloe graduates pre-k today and we registered her for kindergarten yesterday. Zach is playing football again and spring practice is on hot and heavy. Nicole has started her masters at UF. I am still waiting for transfer. They are now saying that it could take 1-2 years for the previous class to transfer out of the jail and there may not be another class for 3-4 years. This could mean I will spend up to 6 years in the jail before I can transfer. In the meantime I have decided to pursue a masters in public administration while a wait since the county will pay for it. When Zach graduates high school Nicole and I should both have our masters degrees and the economy should have recovered enough for us to have some options to go along with our education and experience. We have always talked about moving close to Athens.


Greg said...

OMG....you weight exactly what I weigh now. I was hoping to get down to 195. You might pass me.

Kristin Puckett (Collins) said...

Are you ever going to post again? Post pictures of the kids if you can. : )